

mm Help
The member length measured from the centre of its left support to the centre of its right support
mm Help
Joist spacing
mm Help
Height of wall above lintel
mm Help
Span of floor system to its next support
mm Help
Overhang of the floor. Select whether this will be used as a balcony or other type of floor in 'Floor overhang use'
Modify manual load Help
Please select your wall compostion here. Note that SpanMan automatically calculates the weight of wall studs and adds it to the wall weight. For details of weights refer to ABOUT > Technical.
Additional dead loads can also be added in the CRITERIA screen.
Modify manual load Help
Please select your floor compostion here. Note that SpanMan automatically calculates the weight of floor joists and adds it to the floor weight. For details of weights refer to ABOUT > Technical.
Additional dead loads can also be added in the CRITERIA screen.
Modify manual load Help
Please select your ceiling compostion here. For details of weights refer to ABOUT > Technical
Pick 'List all suitable timber and steel sections' to design across all timber and steel sections. Alternatively design in a specific timber or steel material type. Press DESIGN to obtain sizes.
design Criteria